Slug disrupts Chloe Holiday's writing plans.

Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

So, you know how when it rains all the darned time, it makes it easy for those horrible long black Daywalker slugs, fat as leeches, to invade and eat your dahlias, and since you don’t have ducks anymore instead you have to patrol the perimeter with a plastic long-handled spatula from Goodwill so you can scoop them up and catapult them downhill again, and good luck to them? But instead of doing one at a time, sometimes it’s a three-fer, but one of them suddenly lets go just in time to fall down your cleavage, so the others barely fling into the air and patter down to stick in the dog’s fur, so then you have to use your hand to first dip the cold nasty thing out of your shirt, and then pulllll them from the dog’s ruff, and then spend the next forty minutes trying to scrub off the memory of that vile, tenacious slime?

No? Just me?

Where Should I Send Them?


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