Sex Pots are a Thing?

Ancient Sex Pots! The photo isn’t a sex pot, since those pics are NSFW! Today I’m sharing what I learned about the erotic ancient pottery of Peru, while writing the archaeology aspects of Submerged Hopes.  Submerged Hopes features a Deaf Greek...

Sticky Fingers

My about-to-be-released novel, Submerged Hopes, contains one very memorable handprint, but also an instance of the use of fingerprints, or dactyloscopy, during investigation of a crime. Here’s what I learned in my research. Fingerprints are unique to the...

Get a Grip: Rock Climbing

While I love a good sports romance, there’s more to the genre than ballplayers, so I enjoyed putting surfing and scuba diving in Submerged Hopes, and rock climbing in New Heights.  Here’s what I learned. Rock climbing was first depicted in Chinese...

Out of This World

The first time I saw the Northern Lights on television, they mesmerized me: a shifting curtain of green and purple streaming from the sky, so of course, I had to put this in a pivotal scene in New Heights. Yet auroras are way cooler than I’d ever imagined! Here’s what...

Deaf, NOT Dumb!

When I wrote a Deaf heroine for my latest novel, Submerged Hopes, I was intrigued by the idea that a hindrance which she struggled with day to day could be an asset while diving. Though I have several family members who became deaf later in life, they don’t...

Where Should I Send Them?


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