Too hot to fly?

Whew! It’s hot even up here in the Pacific Northwest, and good grief–the temps down South and Southwest! Now even some commercial airlines are having flight delays because of the heat. Ordinarily, summer’s a great time to fly–clear skies, great...


Bopped in to chat about A Boy & his Dog with Chelsey Ortega via her fabulous blog. On the Fourth of July, my dogs are always optimistic about scoring some dropped holiday food though, like Mojo, they hate the sound of fireworks, even from a distance. My earliest...

It’s a…ShroomHenge?

For the mom who has everything…”Hey, Mom–I got you this fungus!” We had to have some trees close to the house taken down, and decided to try to make lemonade–or rather, Lion’s Mane–out of that particular lemon. It’s...

Culture Shock, Germany: Electicity

Culture shock, Germany: Electricity! Nowadays, most devices are dual-voltage, so travelers might have to take an adapter or two, but the device itself will function well despite going from the 110 volts/60 Hz in the US to Europe’s 240 volts/50 Hz, but back when...

And all through the house…

The Rat King was stirring…wait, that’s not it! I do have holiday viewing on my mind, though, not only the classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, The Nutcracker, and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but movies like Die Hard—does that count as a “classic” if it’s 32 years...

Where Should I Send Them?


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